A Scalpel-Free, Suture-Free, Graft-Free Treatment Option for Receding Gums

This minimally invasive procedure for correcting gum recession and saving teeth does not involve cutting or stitching. In fact, most patients are pleasently surprised to see instant cosmetic improvement and are able to resume light normal activities within 24/48 hours.

Before and After: Pinhole Surgical Technique for Receeding Gums

The top 5 benefits of Pinhole® procedure include:

  1. Can correct gum recession in as little as 1 treatment session.
  2. Minimal discomfort and swelling in most cases because the procedure is scapal, suture, and graft free.
  3. The pinholes heal in 24 hours in most cases.
  4. Patients often describe feeling happier because they can smile with confidence.
  5. Most patients are back to normal list activities within 24-48 hours.